Introducing the “Livestock Management Officer (LMO)” Program

Written and posted by Bo Cruz


To professionalize our Mule Train livestock knowledge and skills, a trial program has been designed, reviewed, and implemented that will enable Mule Train members Regular and Associate) to learn more about equine care, livestock nutrition, and ranch operations along the lines adopted by farmers, ranchers, livestock managers, and Shriner Mounted Patrols across the country.

Now officially implemented as an internal training program, active members engaged in Al Kaly Shrine “Mule Train” operations can be designated Livestock Management Officers (LMO) upon completion of the curriculum and designated as such by the Mule Train Board of Directors. (Members who have remained active in Mule Train operations since 2019, will be grandfathered at the discretion by the Board of Directors.)

The LMO program equips owners and riders with knowledge and skills above and beyond the day-to-day routine chores regularly performed while visiting the Ranch. The curriculum, while hands-on and knowledge based, is designed to develop skills in nutrition and wellness (types of care and feed), medical care (vaccine administration), farrier craftsmanship (hoof trimming), transport operations (official visits, parades, etc.), advanced horsemanship, equine anatomy, ranch security management, current industry issues, equestrian coaching, trail ride management, and selection of quality livestock for purchase.

While not at the level of state-governed animal husbandry/agricultural operations, the Mule Train continues to draw the attention of formidable equestrian interests from its signage along the I-25 corridor, as well as local/county/state/ and national recognition.


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Winter Care and Special Attention for Our Mules