What are Different Parts of a Western Saddle?

Written by Monte at Horse Gear dot com https://horsegearguide.com/what-are-different-parts-of-a-western-saddle/

It can be pretty difficult to ride a horse if you are not using a saddle. It is essential supporting horse equipment, which is placed onto the back of a horse. The riders get better stability and comfort when using a saddle. It also makes your horse feel comfortable and that’s why every horse owner uses a saddle.

The western saddle is the most widely chosen horse saddle. It is made of a variety of parts that play a crucial role in improving your riding experience. These parts of a western saddle are also important to keep the saddle firmly attached to the horse during racing, riding, and other activities.

Why a western saddle?

The western saddle is also known as English show saddle. It is prepared from brown leather. Most of the cowboys prefer this saddle instead of going for English, Polo, or other kinds of saddle. Sophisticated decorations and colorful patterns distinguish this saddle from their counterparts.

It offers better stability because this saddle is equipped with a horn to maintain proper balance. You will not find it difficult to ride when holding the reins with one hand because your western saddle will remain stable. It is perfect for those who cannot spend more money and time to maintain their saddle. The western saddles are created to be robust and offer incredible comfort to the rider. It will be quite easier to make sharp turns and ride your horse for hours.

Different parts of a western saddle:

A western saddle is made of many parts, which are listed and explained below:

  • Saddle tree:

The “tree” is probably the most important part of a western saddle. The whole saddle is based on a tree and it is generally referred as the frame on which all the other components are attached. It is the tree that ensures safety and durability of a saddle. You will not be satisfied with the performance if your saddle is equipped with a poor quality tree.

The traditional western saddles are mostly made of wood. The manufacturers used to use top-quality wood, such as lodge pole pine or western pine to prepare this part of the saddle. The riders get a slight amount of flexibility and it ensures exceptional durability during vigorous activities such as roping.

However, some experts believe that synthetic materials can be sued to make tree much stronger and flexible. Both wooden and synthetic trees offer certain benefits for which the riders happily use both of them.

Why saddle tree is so important?

A saddle tree is one of the most important parts of a western saddle because it works to distribute the rider’s weight evenly across a horse’s back. The horse can perform much better if it feels comfortable. A saddle tree helps you in avoiding pressure points and makes your horse feel comfortable.

A saddle tree is made of five basic parts. There will be two bars which are situated in a way that can directly impact your horse’s movements. A fork is used to hold bars in their position from the front and the cantle from the back. Horn is the fifth part of the saddle.

  • The Gullet:

The gullet is another crucial component of a western saddle. It is a tunnel located below the fork. It is designed to protect your horse’s withers. Suppose it is too low or narrow, it will be in contact with the horse’s wither and that horse might experience a lot of pain when you are riding it.

You should carefully consider gullet height when buying a new horse saddle. Know more about how withers are related to gullet height. A wrong type of gullet can make it difficult to set the saddle properly. Consequently, you will not get that stability and comfort you were looking for. It will also upset your horse. Carefully consider gullet height and gullet channel to ensure it will comfort your horse.

  • Saddle horn:

The saddle horn will be fixed onto the fork. It is made of metal, but you can also find some saddles equipped with wooden horn. The manufacturers use screws and glue to attach it. A horn’s strength can be improved by covering it with rawhide to moor it for better stability. It is not one of those decorative parts of a western saddle. Its function can vary depending on the type of activity you are performing.

  • Ground seat:

It is located between the cantle and the fork. The ground seat covers the seat strainer. You should carefully check the shape and width of that seat according to your comfort demands. If the seat is perfectly shaped, you will not experience discomfort around your hip and pubic area.

  • The Jockeys:

Although many people do not pay attention to the jockeys, this component is designed to cover the exposed components of horse saddle and safeguard the rider’s legs. It also offers a perfect appearance to the western saddle. Every western saddle is equipped with front, back, and side jockeys.

  • Fenders:

It might sound a bit strange but horses sweat. The fenders are equipped to protect the rider’s legs from that sweat. The fenders work to separate the rider’s legs from stirrup leathers.

  • Skirts:

The last western saddle part in this list is the saddle skirt. It is used to prevent saddle tree from putting direct pressure on horse’s back. The skirt also plays an important role in stabilizing the saddle. All the western saddles are equipped with skirts which evenly distribute the rider’s weight across the horse’s back. Your horse will not experience any kind of pressure if the saddle is equipped with high-quality skirts.

All the listed components of a western saddle ensure you and the horse will have a better relationship. Any animal can behave rude if your actions make him uncomfortable and cause some sort of pain. The western saddle and all of its parts are designed to give your horse the comfort it deserves for his hard work. So, carefully look for all these components when buying a western saddle.


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